Photos and Videos from NJH60 Conference

The conference Advances in Numerical Linear Algebra: Celebrating the 60th Birthday of Nick Higham was held at the University of Manchester, July 6–8, 2022.

Most of the talks are available on the NLA Group YouTube channel and links to them are available on the conference web page.

Here is the conference photo.


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Here is me with some of my current and former PhD students.

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And with some of my current and former postdocs.


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After-dinner speaker Charlie Van Loan: 220707_20-24-34_1024px.jpg

Rob Corless kindly gave me a Bohemian matrix eigenvalue tie based on this image. 220717_14-46-08_1024px.jpg

Many thanks to Stefan Güttel, Sven Hammarling, Stephanie Lai, Françoise Tisseur and Marcus Webb for organizing the conference and the Royal Society, MathWorks and the University of Manchester for financial support.

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