The Argonne Tapes

A few weeks ago, I was in contact with Chris Paige, an emeritus Professor of Computer Science at McGill University, Montreal. I mentioned that Sven Hammarling and I are collecting information and memorabilia about the numerical analyst James Hardy Wilkinson FRS (1919-1986) for our Wilkinson webpage, and asked Chris if he knew of anything we didn’t already have. He replied “I have 5 1973 Video cassettes, each about 1 hour, by Jim labelled `Eigensystem Workshop June 1973′. … His wonderful lecturing style, and his idiosynchrasies, might be of interest, as well as the marvellous content.”


The tapes contain four talks by Wilkinson and one by Cleve Moler from an Eigensystem Workshop held at Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, USA, in June 1973.

The tapes are Scotch UC60 High Energy color Videocassettes, in U-matic format, one of which is shown to the right. Chris was able to have the tapes digitized and the results are pretty good given the age of the tapes. We have put the videos on the Numerical Linear Algebra Group YouTube channel and link to them below.

The videos were announced at the recent conference Advances in Numerical Linear Algebra: Celebrating the Centenary of the Birth of James H. Wilkinson, held in Manchester May 29-30, 2019.

  • Inverse Iteration – James H. Wilkinson, Eigensystem Workshop, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, USA, June 1973.